About Us

Valerie is a Marine Brat who was the Advertising Director for TIF instruments for over 7 years. She was recognized and was numerously awarded for her ability for viewers to remember the ads she created.  Her brother and cousin were both long-term ASE diesel mechanics and trainers.

Johnna is an Army Brat who has had numerous years in the transportation and logistics industries. Her husband was also an auto mechanic and shared the basics of car maintenance with her. Together they also enjoyed watching many of the car mechanics and “pimping” shows.

We also are lovers of DIY shows and spend our free time renovating our own home.

We both know the contracting businesses and love working with them with their marketing needs.

A marketing agency that provides SEO, websites, social media, email, SMS and Paid Ads for Local, HVAC and Automotive companies

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Material and content are the property of Momentum in Marketing.