Every second, billions of searches are performed on Google, and the majority of search results pages include Google ads. Google Ads is an effective way of driving relevant, qualified traffic to your website exactly when people are searching for the types of products or services your business offers.

Since they are located at the top of the search page, most searchers will see the Google Ad and click on it before moving to page 2.

With Google Ads focusing on keywords,  advertisers create a Google Ads search campaign based on the keywords they choose to target that are relevant to the offer or the business. When someone searches on Google (also known as a query), Google will check to see if any advertisers are bidding on keywords relevant to that search. If there are, ads will appear on that SERP.

Here are some interesting stats that you should consider:

  • More than 80% of global businesses trust Google Ads for PPC campaigns (Source: WebFX)
  • The average Google Ads CTR for ads placed at the first position is 7.94% (Source: Acuracast)
  • Users who visit a website through Google Ads’ PPC ads are 50% more likely to purchase
    (Source: NMoz)
  • People are four times more likely to click ads on Google (63%) than any other advertisement network (Source: BClutch.co)
  • Google recommends $10-$50 as the daily budget for a Google Ads campaign (Source: Google Support)
  • Google Ads has an 8:1 ROI (Return on Investment) (Source: Google Economic Impact)
  • People who click on ads are 50% more likely to make a purchase (Source: WebFX)

    Momentum In Marketing can assist you will all your Google Ad Needs.

    If you are already running Ads we would love to offer you a free Google Advertiser Market Report conducted by our company that will highlight areas for improvement as well as detail how you compare to competitors in the Market. 

    If you are ready to really kick your sales and leads into overdrive, we can help. Want to talk about all of the ways we can help? Book a complimentary call here.

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